Women of Strength and Honor

What is the glory of a woman? How can we overcome our failure, shame, and fear? These were some the questions we explored as I spoke on the topic of “Living as Women of Strength and Honor.” I was privileged to speak at a women’s brunch hosted by the Adorned Read more…

Shedding Our Shame

Since the day Adam and Eve hid from God, shame has been a problem in our relationships. Not only can Jesus Christ remove the guilt of our sins, but He also knows how to rescue us from shame.——————————————————————————————- Shame is a Shroud Shame is a shroudthat suffocates our soulsand hobbles Read more…

Thank You

If you are working to honor your marriage, then please allow me to say this to you: Thank you! On behalf of the entire Body of Christ, I thank you. Your faithfulness in marriage is a gift of strength to all of us. If you are honoring your marriage—whether your Read more…

Praying Psalm 1 for Your Husband

LORD, I thank You for my husband. Thank You for creating him in Your image, designing him for greatness and strength. I pray that my husband will be like a great tree planted by streams of water, its branches reaching up to the sky. May my husband be a mighty Read more…

A Life Hack for a Great Marriage

You probably know some helpful life hacks for cooking, cleaning, or organizing your garage. Here’s one for your marriage: Remember the letters H-A-C-K. The word “hack” is not very appealing, but as an acronym, it represents some fantastic tools for building your marriage. HACK is an acronym for 4 super-important Read more…

Dealing with Brokenness

Do not be afraid of the brokenness in your life. We all have to deal with broken relationships, broken promises, broken dreams, and broken hearts.  All of us are broken by our own sin and by the sin of others. But God says to us: Do not be afraid; do Read more…

“The Gospel and Same-Sex Marriage”

What is a Biblical response to same-sex marriage? How does the good news of Christ shape our thinking on this topic? If you are asking these questions, then you will want to read The Gospel and Same-Sex Marriage. Edited by Russell Moore and Andrew Walker, it is the most recent book in “The Read more…

Christmas Prayers

Thank You, LORD, for the awesome message of Christmas: You stoop down to make us great. (Psalm 18:35, NIV) How incredible! This is precisely what You did through the stunning miracle of the Incarnation. You stooped down beneath the stars, beneath a low stable door, entering our world to enter our lives. Read more…

The Purpose of Your Body

We can spend a lifetime living in our bodies without once asking ourselves this simple question: “What is the purpose of my body?” Amazing, isn’t it? We can invest a ton of time, money, and emotional turmoil in dealing with our bodies. Maybe it would be good to stop for a moment Read more…

Conquering the Struggle to Forgive

Have you ever struggled to forgive someone—even when you wanted to forgive? I know I have. I have come to realize that part of my struggle came from not understanding true forgiveness. Sometimes, we have a hard time forgiving because we are trying to do things that are not part Read more…

21 Myths about Sex

I really didn’t expect this. I recently read an advance copy of 21 Myths (Even Good) Girls Believe about Sex: Pursuing Love with Passion and Truth. I thought I might find some good nuggets of truth to share. I expected to find things that were helpful, factual, Biblical, and much-needed. Read more…

Singles, Soulmates, & Marriage

What Singles Need to Know about Marriage Last week, I was privileged to guest blog on Kristen Hogrefe’s fantastic website, ThinkTrueThoughts, where I shared several “true thoughts” about marriage: Marriage is a profound revealer of spiritual truth. You can have a great impact on others in the area of marriage. Purity is Read more…

Mountain-Moving Faith

Need to move any mountains? Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done.” Read more…

Overcoming the Overwhelming

We make complicated messes. God gives simple instructions. The enemy tries to confuse and bewilder and overwhelm. We try to figure out the tangled, jumbled-up complexities; but with each broken piece we pick up, we become more perplexed.           God gives simple instructions. “Humble yourselves.” We Read more…

Faith is Like a Fish

Do trials increase our faith? Have you heard that trials increase our faith? “Trials and troubles … are treadmills for the soul.”[i] That certainly may be true. But if trials increase faith, then we should be muscle-bulging spiritual giants and we should be surrounded by people of massive faith. We Read more…

Battling Bitterness

A Strategy to Target Bitterness “If I were your enemy, I’d use every opportunity to bring old wounds to mind. … I’d try to ensure that your heart was hardened with anger and bitterness. Shackled through unforgiveness.” (page 151) With this insight, Priscilla Shirer begins her discussion of a prayer strategy Read more…

10 Commandments … for Marriage

When God made a covenant with His people at Mount Sinai, He clarified the guidelines which would best nurture a healthy relationship. The Ten Commandments were given as principles which would guard the covenant. Just as there are principles which protect our relationship with God, our Covenant Partner, so there Read more…

7 Traits of a Great Husband

Do you know the traits of a great husband? Do you know where these 7 characteristics are listed in the Bible? I would like to nominate Psalm 23 as “The Husband Chapter” of the Old Testament. The Good Shepherd provides a fantastic model for godly husbands. Click HERE to read more.

Friendship with God

There is nothing more awesome than friendship with God! We cannot earn our way to God, but we can accept His amazing proposal to us of unfailing friendship. Here’s how: If you’d like to learn more about having a friendship with God, please feel free to ask. Blessings to you, Read more…

Forgiveness as Resurrection

Jesus was not the first person to be raised from the dead. His disciples had seen Lazarus walk out of a tomb after being dead for four days. They had seen Jesus lift a dead boy out of his coffin and back into life. But as amazing as those things Read more…

Forgiveness as Self-Help?

Last week, I discussed forgiveness as a “weapon of mass destruction,” recognizing its immense spiritual power.  Today, I would like to continue with this theme of forgiveness, evaluating its current popularity as  therapeutic self-help. (If you missed last week’s post, you can read it HERE.) ————————————————————- Trendy Self-Help Interestingly, forgiveness has Read more…

A Spiritual WMD

You’ve heard of a “weapon of mass destruction.”  Do you think there could be something like a spiritual WMD? I recently read the astonishing biography of Jacob DeShazer, one of the courageous Doolittle Raiders.[i] Led by Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle, these American airmen were the first to bomb Japan after Read more…

Have no FoMO!

Have you heard about FoMO? The “Fear of Missing Out” is the latest trend. This phobia can cause endless checking of social media, as well as feelings of anxiety and depression. But Christ-followers have no need to take part in the FoMO fad because we have this fantastic promise from Read more…

Something New Today …

I am trying something new today. I would like to share with you a presentation called “Battle Strategies in Prayer: How to Fight on Your Knees.” In this slide-show, I discuss  several aspects of effective prayer. These are spiritual principles that we can learn from Old Testament battle accounts. May God bless you Read more…

Marriage according to the Master

Looking for God’s direction concerning your marriage? Here is some clear instruction from 1 Corinthians 7—along with some encouragement and challenge, too: Marriage is not a place to “stand up for your rights.” Marriage is a decision to serve the other…. [I]f you are married, stay married. This is the Master’s command…. If Read more…


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