Since the day Adam and Eve hid from God, shame has been a problem in our relationships. Not only can Jesus Christ remove the guilt of our sins, but He also knows how to rescue us from shame.
Shame is a Shroud
Shame is a shroud
that suffocates our souls
and hobbles our heels.
we know we are exposed.
This unshakable shame
sucks life from spirits
like marrow from a bone.
Who will rescue us
from this wretchedness?
There is Only One
who felt that piercing of heel,
that draining of life,
that draping of shame,
swallowing the dregs of the cup
and drawing it all into Himself before
the shame undone,
the curse reversed,
and all things made new.
Let us lay our hands
on the head of the Lamb.
Let us shed all shame
onto this Sacrifice
who willingly wears
our twisting of thorns
and dies
under the weight of our shroud,
a death-wrapping
in an empty tomb.
The shroud discarded,
His glory displayed
for the joy of all creation,
for our shame is undone,
the curse reversed,
and we have been made new.
© 2016. Tami Myer