You may not realize that 20% of high-school and college students engage in the self-injuring practice of cutting. As this becomes more common, it also affects more marriages.
Most of us have not purposely cut ourselves, but we have all experienced inner pain, and we have all searched for ways to relieve that pain. Although this is not my usual topic, I am sharing this today with the prayer that it will be helpful—perhaps to you or someone you know.
The Cutting that Cures
God understands this pain
of cutting.
He knows this pain
that cries
with the voice of a knife.
He feels this pain too heavy
for words or tears
to carry;
the flesh must join.
If only burdens
would flow
with blood.
If only blades
could strip sorrow
as well as skin.¹
This draining of the body
leeches life from the soul.
“Imago Dei”²
is written upon us,
yet we mar,
not knowing
the handwriting of God.
“Without the shedding of blood,
there is no remission of sin.”³
Without having heard,
we seem to know.
But we hope only
for the remission of pain.
Only God really knows
how great is the loss and
how deep is the pain.
Through the tearing of His own flesh,
He felt the torment of the whole world.
With the gushing of His own blood,
He marked the loss of love.
He carried the weight of our suffering
in His own body
that we would not
in ours.
Our pain became His pain,
and His wounds became our healing.
His brokenness
bought our wholeness.
There is, therefore, now
no cutting
for those who are in Christ Jesus,
for there is now
no condemnation and
no separation.
There is no loss
that He will not accept as His.
There is no emptiness
that He cannot turn
inside out
into fullness.
The only cutting
that will ever put things back together
was the crushing of Christ on the Cross–
the tearing of a veil,
and a new covenant cut.4
“It is finished.”
With lavish love,
He engraved our names
on His palms.
The scars of Christ,
sealed on our souls,
mark us now
as His.
© 2016. Tami Myer.
1 In The Broken Way, Ann Voskamp writes that she cut herself as if “you could drain yourself out of pain” (Zondervan, 2016, page 11).
2 This is the Latin phrase for “image of God.” Genesis 1:27 says that God created people in His own image.
*By User:BardFuse (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
3 From Hebrews 9:22. The Bible teaches that the consequence of our rejection of God (who is Life) is death.
4 In English, we say that we make a covenant. But in the Hebrew language of Scripture, a covenant is “cut.”
FOR HELP in overcoming cutting, please visit Focus on the Family’s website. Search “cutting,” and you will find a series of helpful articles.